Lineup for the UM Scholars for Christian Orthodoxy Conference

Here’s the lineup of preachers and speakers for our conference , Holy People, Faithful Church, to be held at Armstrong Chapel UMC in Cincinnati, March 31-April 2. There are more speakers TBA.

You can register by clicking here! Bring all your friends!

William J. Abraham 
Joy J. Moore

Bishop Gregory V. Palmer 

Bishop Mike Lowry 

Watson head shot color
David F. Watson 

Rebekah Clapp

Rebekah Clapp, PhD Student, Asbury Theological Seminary

5 thoughts on “Lineup for the UM Scholars for Christian Orthodoxy Conference

  1. Oh, how it warms my heart and soul to e read the news and views on UM orthodoxy! That old time religion for a new century!

    Grace, Then Peace!


  2. Hi David,

    Although I’d love to attend, I can’t afford to. I will be praying for a successful and highly motivational conference. And then I look forward to seeing detailed reports and essays from that conference here online afterwards.

    Shalom, Cathy

    On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 6:22 PM, United Methodist Scholars for Christian Orthodoxy wrote:

    > davidfwatson posted: “Here’s the lineup of preachers and speakers for our > conference , Holy People, Faithful Church, to be held at Armstrong Chapel > UMC in Cincinnati, March 31-April 2. There are more speakers TBA. You can > register by clicking here! Bring all your friends! Will” >


  3. Reblogged this on Uniting Grace and commented:
    Hope to meet some of my readers and fellow Metho-nerds at this great conference coming up soon, hosted by the United Methodist Scholars for Christian Orthodoxy. Register while there are still spots remaining!


  4. Pingback: “Holy People, Faithful Church” Coming Soon! – Via Media Methodists

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